women's cotton pajama setslace trim ladies' underwearHPH Women's Hernia Brief

waist size 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56

The HPH Hernia Brief- to be able to live comfortably with a hernia if you don’t desire an operation. Keeps all sizes of hernias in place.

  • Better than any other remedy, medical or not, that is on the market - such as bulky belts or trusses.
  • Easy and comfortable to wear - made from 80% stretchable, Make cotton and 20% elastane. The cotton assures perspiration-free comfort.
  • Aesthetically pleasing to your partner.
  • For Hygienic purposes - we suggest wearing it over your regular undergarment. (not required)
  • No pinching or binding - but gives the highest suspension. Lifts and supports internal organs. The pressure of ordinary hernia belts often causes the hernia to protrude.
  • Only the best materials and highest workmanship have been used. Each HPH Hernia Brief is perfectly constructed with unique and precise stretch zones.

Perfect Fit

  • The HPH Hernia Brief has a very large support area for left, right or double-sided hernias. The groin area is made of a special, soft cotton fabric that allows the genital parts to be free of pressure.
  • The strategic pressure points do not slip or move with the HPH Hernia Brief due to its anatomical construction.
  • Undetectable under thin or tight clothing.
  • Perfect for sports. Stretches but does not slip out of place.
  • Double seamed inner elastic pockets allow easy insertion of the special HPH Support Cushions ensuring the right pressure for closing the hernia inguinal canal. Other ordinary hernia belt insertions can absorb perspiration often cause much discomfort, too much pressure from rigid cushions, chafing, rashes, etc. The HPH Disc Cushions will not absorb moisture and can be washed easily.
  • Worn without the cushions, the HPH Hernia Brief gives ideal support for post-operative patients, avoiding setbacks and reoccurrences.

HPH Hernia Support Brief Explanation


Built-in supporting stretch material covering the entire abdominal area. Starting at the bottom, extending to the waist, around the back, lifting and supporting the kidneys. It also gives maximum support to all the internal organs.
A soft, stretch fabric with slip opening, keeps the genital area free from pressure.
Inner pockets provide for the HPH Disc Cushion to be inserted, giving perfect closing of the inguinal canal, pressure, and suspension. It fits exactly to the body contour. The hernia patient can easily put the HPH Disc Cushion in the correct position himself.


  • By wearing the HPH Hernia Brief regularly, surgery can sometimes be avoided, as it holds muscles and loose skin in place.
  • Machine washable with lukewarm water and mild soap.
  • AIR-DRY ONLY! No heat or electric dryers.
  • Our Hernia Briefs are durable. Can Last up to five (5) years.

We suggest owning at least 2 briefs so that they can be rotated while washing and caring.

The HPH Hernia Brief is the best product for Hernia Patients on the market today. You really must try it to believe it. Try it RISK-FREE!